There is a palpable feeling of anger in the world at the moment. Is it surprising? As you look around the globe there is hardly a country untouched by troubles, or a conflict of some kind, and sadly there are just no leaders around to deal with these massive problems. There is a complete lack of statesmen, just at a time when we need them the most! As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11 there is a general sense of hopelessness, especially given the recent decision by the West to abandon Afghanistan. It has produced justifiable anger at the waste of human life and the betrayal of those we have left behind to the mercy of the Taliban. Wrong decisions have been made and we are going to have to live with the fact that  in spite of all the money, bravery, and loss of life put into it, pulling out of Afghanistan has left us in a more dangerous position than ever. Biden, Johnson and the other Western leaders have a lot to answer for.

Some years ago I started following Twitter and have happily tweeted along with millions of others. But recently these general tweets have become an angry commentary. The references to gardens, pictures,  sporting events etc. are now drowned out by fury at the way our government, surely the worst in recent history, is handling things.  It has been building up for some time.  The mishandling of Covid,  Gavin Williamson’s totally inadequate decisions as education minister, the handouts to cronies, the waste of money on failed schemes, and then the final indignity, Raab away on holiday as the Taliban marched into Kabul. No wonder the tweets are angry. Johnson’s latest move to tax the poorest and leave the rich untouched, may just be a step to far. It is not even a solution to the NHS and especially the Care system.  Our poor nurses and carers will still not be adequately paid. The division between rich and poor will grow even wider. Has the public had enough? Is this where the tide turns? Surely all the but the utterly complacent and truest blue Conservatives will say enough is enough.  Maybe when the results of Brexit finally kick in and all the shelves are empty, they will  join in the cry for change.

Meanwhile, it hasn’t all been doom and gloom. There has been the pure joy of the Paralympics, with so many moving stories of triumph over adversity, and now the emergence of the enchanting Emma Radacanu, who apart from playing brilliant tennis has such an engaging and uncomplicated manner. She has delighted us all.

I am now embarked on Rawlings Book 3. It gives me such pleasure to be writing again.  I wish I could say I am as happy with the sales of the last book. Again it is a struggle. It seems that last year everyone turned to writing during the lockdown and the market is flooded. Patience is needed and perseverance!